Josh Potter provides a variety of copywriting needs for your company or product. He has worked as a copywriter for several years now and has worked with companies ranging from fashion to technical to nutritional. Below are a few of the companies that Josh Potter has worked for, as well as a few of the requirements given to him.
- For MORETHANWRITERS, Mr. Potter has provided a variety of travel and culture articles, translating data into consumable information and providing content designed to answer the questions of the consumer before they are even asked.
Rousselot- Reaching Further Together
- For Rousselot, Mr. Potter has provided a variety of content for various newsletters and announcements of products. The majority of work required has been in the form of translating the facts and figures of their nutritional products into engaging and informative text that is easy to read without sounding too informal and conversational.
Barnabas Clothing – A Life Worth Imitating
- For Barnabas Clothing, Mr. Potter has provided a variety of roles including conducting interviews and gathering research on various topics. The majority of work required, similar to with Rousselot, has been the translation of the interviews and research into an engaging and informative piece of writing that reflects the style of Barnabas Clothing Company.
- Examples include the Proper Stache t-shirt and the Emblem Tank.
University of Twente
- Alongside the serious lies the fun. For the University of Twente, Mr. Potter was asked to come up with various bib ideas for a professor-turned-new parent. Alongside this, a fun, lighthearted Congratulations Card was created to commemorate the birth of this new baby.
These are but a few of the works in regards to copywriting and are intended to give a brief insight into the services provided by Josh Potter. Given the nature of the majority of his work – most are newsletters and other documents only available to the company themselves – little is actually available online to view. However, if you would like to discuss certain projects or ask for more details please contact Josh Potter directly.